SP-1200 Emulator

Tech Specs

Category: Ableton Racks

Devices: Auto Filter EQ Eight Frequency Shifter Redux Saturator

Version: Live 9.0.5

Format: Rack (.adg)

Type: Effect

Special Instructions

Unzip and drop the .adg file on a track.

Modeled after the infamous E-MU SP-1200 sampler. The key to the 1200's sound, aside from the bit rate is the SSM2044 lowpass filter chip that sits at the end of the "low quality" D/A stage.

This rack contains a ring modulator, redux, 1 lowpass followed by a highpass filter, a 1 band notch eq and a saturator in that order with the important stuff assigned to macros. Play with the settings depending on what kind of material you're using (melodic, percussive, bassy, trebly, etc.)

Also: try resampling your sounds pitched up by 8-12% and then slowing them down for maximum SP-1200 authenticity.




Would love to use this effect rack, but the zip file is BAD!!! So are a couple others...

posted 1 decade, 6 months and 15 days ago



For some reason, the file extension is removed. I verified that I uploaded it correctly, so something else is at fault. Regardless, just add a .adg after the file name and you'll be straight.

posted 1 decade, 6 months and 15 days ago



Peace man. I downloaded the file but when i try to use it i get a message saying The preset is broken. I am mad new to using ableton and i feel i am just doing it wrong. I looked it up and people said open up ableton then click on the adg file to activate it but i have been getting that message constantly. Do i need to drop it into a specific folder?

posted 1 decade, 6 months and 12 days ago



Hey tcigar17. Are you using a version of Live older than 9.0.5? If so, this rack may not work with it, unfortunately.

posted 1 decade, 6 months and 1 day ago

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