The ' 100 E-lec-tro Sounds ' by CHE

Tech Specs

Category: Synth Presets

Synth: Harmor

Genre: Electro Various

Format: Instrument’s Native Format

Type: Arps Bass Lead Pads

100 new presets including, Arps, Leads, Pads, & Basses. Download includes individual patches in fxp format, along with PDF documentation.




Welcome to TONE COLORS Sound Design
Freeware Presets for Software & Hardware Synthesizer

Royalty Free Soundset / License
All ' Tone Colors ' Freeware Soundsets by CHE for the Virtual Software Instruments/
they can be used commercially in things like movies, games, and anything else you
might need a cool sound for. You may not however redistribute them for a profit.
While sending one to a friend is ok, selling one to a customer is not.

posted 1 decade, 8 months and 28 days ago



Sonic Sirius - Synthesizer Soundsets
Freeware Soundsets for Software and Hardware Synthesizer

posted 8 years, 6 months and 17 days ago

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