PolyPhonic Shruthi-1 Pad

I sampled my Mutable instruments Shruthi-1 Mono synth after reading the following post on the Mutable forum http://www.mutable-instruments.net/forum/discussion/2791/shruthi-1-polyphony-using-ableton-live

I have a CEM3379 VCF/VCA in my Shruthi-1

All credit to the guy, he posted a tutorial on how to do this here and it will apply to any mono synth http://youtu.be/UwS_OSXAUuQ

I used a slightly different pad sound and filter/chorus effects, Its all native Ableton and the preset is created in Live 8.3.4. The audio demo is of the 4 filter modes

Drag in the live pack, locate the folder you created, open the set contained in the folder and save the preset





posted 1 decade, 1 year, 1 month and 7 days ago

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