NOTE: Remember to set the global input knob to +5.2 dB, you can find it in the upper left corner near the bypass button, it's named "In Gain" but it displays just the letter I. Sorry but the presets doesn't remember this parameter, so you have to do it yourself! You can find the user presets folder in "C:\Users\YOUR-NAME\Documents\Blue Cat Audio\Blue Cat's MB-5 Dynamix 2\Stereo\Presets"
This preset is an exact copy of the OTT: the infamous preset from Ableton's Multiband Compressor. I used Blue Cat's MB-5 Dynamix to replicate it, because it's more flexible and offers better visual feedback. NOTE: Remember to set the global input knob to +5.2 dB, you can find it in the upper left corner near the bypass button, it's named "In Gain" but it displays just the letter I. Sorry but the presets doesn't remember this parameter, so you have to do it yourself! You can find the user presets folder in "C:\Users\YOUR-NAME\Documents\Blue Cat Audio\Blue Cat's MB-5 Dynamix 2\Stereo\Presets"
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