Category: Ableton Racks
Devices: Simpler
Version: Live 9.0
Format: Live Set (.als)
Type: Instrument
This instrument was originally posted here.
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Mysterious Hum of Unknown Origin Creates Mysterious Ableton Live Instrument!
There’s a mysterious low frequency hum heard in the Canadian city of Windsor, just outside of Detroit. It has been reported to vibrate houses and windows, and no one knows what is making it. I first heard about this strange phenomenon on an episode of Joe Rogan Questions Everything, in which they explored the possibility of weaponized weather. (Side note, Joe Rogan’s Podcast is one of the most fascinating podcasts I’ve ever listened to). Anyway, I found this to be pretty interesting and thought it would make a cool synth. So today I share with you, the Windsor Hum Ableton Live Instrument. It’s an instrument made with a sample that no one knows the origin of! The synth is as creepy and mysterious as the Windsor Hum itself.
The video above explains the sound a bit and also supplies audio samples. Where is the sound coming from? Secret government testing? Alien communications? The Earth groaning about how we are destroying it? Ghosts?! Who knows! But if you are looking for a sound that will add some interest and depth to your tracks, this might be the ticket. Watch the video below and then download it for free!
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Very interesting / weird.
posted 1 decade, 1 year, 6 months and 12 days ago
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