The Blade Bass

Special Instructions

Simply download and unzip the included Ableton Live project folder, then open the project.

Click the floppy disk button on the corner of the Instrument Rack to save the patch into your User Library.

Remember in the '90s when vampires weren't incredibly lame? I'm thinking specifically of one of the most badass vampire movies ever - BLADE! Remember the song in the nightclub scene? It was a remix of New Order's "Confusion," with a slamming 303 bassline that set the mood for the rest of the film. I still hear kids sampling and using this sound in their hardstyle rave and big room house songs, though they have no idea where it originally comes from! It's time for a little education on the techno/rave scene of the 1990s, as well as a great sound to use in your techno, house, rave, and hardcore productions!

I've recreated the sound using Ableton's Operator synth, as well as the Overdrive and Ping Pong Delay effects. Macro controls allow you to control filter cutoff and resonance, distortion and "space" amounts, and filter EG settings. Have fun writing your next slamming rave tune, daywalkers!

If you've been enjoying my free patches so far, check out some of my music and other free downloads. Thanks for your support!





posted 9 years, 6 months and 13 days ago

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